Saturday, March 1, 2008

Welcome to my Personal Blog

Welcome to my Personal Blog about my Hobbies and Interests in life. I want to make this very clear that my blog is created for myself to share my interests with the rest of the world. This blog is not about being serious or overly accurate nor using the best form of grammar. It's a fun and enjoyable blog to share my opinions, views, and comments about the things I love in life. It's about discussing and detailing what I think about whatever catches my attention. My main hope for this blog other than doing it for myself is to find other individuals who share the same likes and hobbies.

Now that I pointed out that people shouldn't get on my back about what I type; let's get to what we're talking about here. What are my hobbies and interests that you may want to be a part of or read and see?

Video Games of all kinds (Consoles, Handhelds, PC, Online and MMO)
Transformers and Star Wars
Computers, the Internet, and Technology
Toys and Games (Mostly what's above, like Star Wars action figures and Transformers toys. Some random and misc stuff)
Digital (Virtual) Pets (one of my newer hobbies)
Anime and Japan (I used to really be into these subjects years ago, but not fanboy anymore. I have a better healthy interest in them now, haha)
Movies, TV, Music (This is more rare as I don't spend a lot of time on these subjects as they can be done at any point in my life. Better game yourself out now before you can't use your hands anymore. You can always sit in front of a television though)
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Cyberpunk (Don't spend much time in this area either as I should)
Retro and vintage electronics, computers, games, technologies and media (I have a thing for old technology and their history. One hobby I still haven't devoted enough time to is retro microcomputers from the 1980s (non-DOS non-Windows).

That covers a lot of what I might speak about. As you can see that I'm pretty much a geek. I'm not a nerd, just a geek, a guy who loves merchandise, games, and hobbies. I will also be posting some weird out of the blue stuff on here too. I'm very open minded and I hope you can respect that my interests may not always meet yours. Just stick around and keep up with what does interest you and provide your own feedback and comments. Maybe I'll spark some curiousity on your part.

I'll point out that my entries will be mostly my impressions about specific items and shows, not reviews. It's really what's on my mind at the moment. I enjoy discussing these hobbies and their details, so feel free to ask questions as well.

This blog requires that user's have an account with Blogger to be able to submit comments. Please be respectful and share your own opinions and ideas. You don't have to agree with me, but I won't tolerate flaming and attacks on my blog. Remember, this is relax and fun. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Thank You.