Sunday, March 23, 2008

Transformers Animated: Nature Calls

The series continues with "Nature Calls" which was a pretty good episode today. It was interesting that they nodded towards G1 again by having some construction vehicle robots that were similar in color and appearance to some of the constructicons. There was a supervisor guy that looked similar to Sparkplug and wore the same outfit. It's also cute that now the Transformers, well Bumblebee, plays video games and watch television. The main plot today focuses on space barnacles that are some dangerous alien life form from space that like to cling onto spaceships and machines. These barnacles made me thing of the Cosmic Dust organism from Geneation One but actually are completely unrelated. Cosmic Dust causes Transformers to rust away, while Barnacles engulf machines and take form into an alien zombie. Still, it's cool that they brought back the concept of alien viruses and organisms of deep space. The end was nice anyhow, heh heh. The next two episodes are going to be awesome.

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