Saturday, March 1, 2008

Transformers Animated: Lugnut & Blitzwing

Wow, another great episode of the Transformers. For all of you who haven't been watching, Transformers Animated is the first true American-based production for the Transformers since Beast Wars/Machines (even that was in Canada). This series truly honors the original G1 series and go far beyond that by finally offering a show that has high quality storytelling and animation. Some people may be shocked or freaked out by the animation style, but it will soon grow on you quickly. The series really has depth in character development, action, and plot. It's also a bit serialized which is great to anime fans alike. I want people to remember that I only seen the episodes once, and so I may not remember specific details clearly. I'm sure some hardcore fans will watch the episode twice, both on Saturday and Sunday. The show airs on Cartoon Network between 10:30 (saturday) and 11AM (sunday) EST. Watch the Transformers Animated Opening Intro!

So, now that I introduced Transformers Animated to my blog, I can express my impressions from this week's episode: Lost and Found. Actually, I'm going to speak about two characters that were formally introduced. I'm a big Decepticon fan and so that's likely what you'll hear about anyhow. I was very impressed by Lugnut and Blitzwing whom finally made their way to Earth to recover Lord Megatron. Blitzwing first appeared in the movie pilot, but really in the background. Anyhow, Lugnut reminds me a lot of Shockwave from Transformers Generation 1. He has one eye, he's bulky, and very loyal. Shockwave was similar. I think the major difference is that Shockwave was pretty intelligent compare to Lugnut's somewhat dull brain. Then there's Blitzwing, a name borrowed from Generation 1. They actually honored the name by making this guy another triple changer (he has three modes including his bot mode). Hmm, they actually kept both of his forms from G1, a tank and plane. I don't think Blitzwing got enough airtime in G1 and sometimes its hard to remember him compare to Astrotrain who got a lot more attention. Either way, this Transformers Animated (TA for now on) character has multiple personalities. I think he does remind me a bit of Blitzwing, but he's mostly a completely new character.

To end, I must say I'm very happy with these new Decepticons. I actually thought from their first impression from the TA pilot movie, that they actually may be very very stupid and worthless as the Decepticons suffered from the 3D CG Transformers shows from a few years ago like Armada and Energon. Instead, they are respectible and honorable Decepticons that will make any fan happy for some time to come. I was surprised to see both the Decepticon and Autobot spaceships in this episode as well. It was somewhat out of the blue since they were almost forgotten after the first episode. The end of the episode was a bit of a shock and a little weird too. It looks like our Decepticon buddies are where the Dinobots were put to rest except it's full of water now. Plus the bastard traitor has somehow survived and going to be trying to take power. Lugnut should prove very interesting in this new situation which will create a great plot of his attempts to follow Megatron while pretending to follow Starscream as he goes.

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